Monday, August 08, 2005

August 8th -- Chemo Round II

I am about to leave for the beginnings of my second cycle. I feel pretty good today, but am having some digestive issues as a result of the antibiotics I am on. I had to start a cycle of powerful antibiotics because as my white cell counts drropped with the last round of chemotherapy, I developed an infection around the entry point to my Hickman catheter. My chest had a little redness in the area of the incision, and my lymph nodes under my arm and in my neck became a little inflamed. So, prior to having a fever and a visit to the emergency room, I got the drugs and have been fine since then. It has been quite slow to eliminate the infection (compared to my normal ability to fight infection), but it does seem to be progressing in the right direction. I will say that these antibiotics (cephlaxin) are amazingly stinky. I feel like I am eating a fart pill every time I have one . . .
Anyway, it is time to go, and i will write more when I am back at home later today.

One Day Closer to Cured!!


At 2:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rick! Keep up the great spirit. You sound great and I bet that you look great with that bald head of yours : ) We're looking forward to your big recovery party in September! Magali

At 7:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there, man, but don't flirt too much with the nurses - McGavock women might not approve! Uncle Bill


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