Monday, July 25, 2005

July 25th -- Day off

Hello All!
The weekend and last few weekdays was a little tough, so I took a break from the BLOG.
Nasea has been pretty constant and I am thankful that the nasea drugs do work pretty well when I take them as regularly as I should. Smells drive me batty! Cheerios smell like something vile-- indescribable actually. I have a ringing in my ears now-- it comes and goes, but I am noticing that my hearing seems muffled otherwise-- this is very surreal-- the shower does not sound the same as I remember before chemo, and background noise definitely bothers me sometimes.
Watching "Le Tour" on OLN helped me get through the last few days with a positive attitude and keep my spirits high when I was feeling like crap.
Although it may have been said before, it really is inspirational to know that Lance survived a worse form of what I have and lived to win the tour not once, but 7 times! I will be back on my bike in short order and win something of my own . . .
I have a zap of bleomycin scheduled for tomorrow and will meet with Docs tomorrow as well. Hopefully all will go well and there will be no wrinkles in the treatment regime. I am looking forward to finishing this stuff-- having toxic waste injected daily is not my idea of fun, but the worse I feel, I suppose the better it is actually working. Week one is done and now I am actually recovering for nearly two weeks. Rest is great!
One day closer to Cured!


At 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah and Rick,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings so openly!! It is helpful to read how you are all doing -- hang in there. We are here for you... we are ready to make you another dinner or have Hanna over for the afternoon or whatever you need!
Liz & Chris

At 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have heard that the sicker you feel with Chemo, the better it is working. Hopefully it's not some urban myth.

I hope you are feeling better soon! Keep your spirits up!

At 8:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rick
You said Lance was an inspiration to you. I want you to know that you are an inspiration to me. You have an amazingly positive attitude. Even when you are feeling crappy, you don't take it out on the people around you. That's a class act.
I wish you a tolerable remainder of your chemo, and, of course, a total cure forever!
It was great to visit with you. Say hello to your mom for me.


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