Sunday, July 17, 2005

June 22nd

I had a Cat-scan today with some exciting contrasting fluid. If you ever have one of these, it is strange!
The stuff for your digestive tract is a barium sulfate solution that is supposed to taste like either banana or apple, but is really bland and disgusting. The IV they give you just prior to insertion into the donut is the strangest of all. Then CT scan techs told me that it would feel like I have peed in my pants, but I didn't know how realistic this interpretation would be until I actualy felt the warm fluid coursing through my veins. It not only felt like I had peed in my shorts-- It was almost as if I had gone and then been dipped into warm goo-- this is my closest approximation to the sensation . . .
It was so strange that I had to hold myself back from this involuntary giggle that came over me.
Anyway, all is well, and there are still no pathology results.


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